transition towns

Leading change comes from the heart

Christopher Le Breton talks from the heart. He believes that sustainability requires the integration of the environment, social justice and spiritual fulfilment. Trickle down hasn’t worked and more and more people are not in touch with their hearts but crave goods.

Le Breton says that we should slow down – on a worldwide cycle ride to raise awareness of global environmental issues, Le Breton took his own advice and slowed down – instead of playing cycle tourist, he stayed in communities both running workshops and learning about social justice. He asks “if you were given one minute to talk speak to world leaders, what would you say?”. He is inspired by goodwill, open hearts and people doing incredible things. This he describes as “love”. This is how to create a sustainable future, he says, recognising coming together as love.

So, how come such an intelligent species has gotten ourselves in such a mess? And how come this love and new way doesn’t find a voice in the halls of global summits? The disconnect, says Le Breton, is that we live our lives as if separate from each other and the environment. We need a different language, one that accepts the unconditional love of people committed to making a difference:

harmony will result if we can marry the wisdom of the heart with the brilliance of the human brain

For Le Breton this belief all comes from a passion for a holistic land and people crafted in Africa, developed in an education in geography, given experience working for the European Commission and UK politics, and honed in hundreds of workshops around the world. In Dunedin, Le Breton is working volunteering for the Blueskin Resilient Communities Trust. He is running a workshop in Waitati on the 13th October 9am-6pm.

Shane’s number of the week: 3.5 Million is the size of the Artic ice at the end of the northern summer. This is less than half the average of the previous four years.

Sam’s joined-up-thinking: Is there a path between “behavioural wedges” and the failure of “spillover” (more>>>).