Deeply perturbed about the direction the country is headed, but optimistic for change
We first met Louis Chambers nearly two years ago when he was busily helping establish Generation Zero. Then, he (along with Bridget O’Leary) told us that “Generation Zero will be the generation to oversee the transformation to a zero carbon world”. We were taken by their positive focus and informed approach. So after two years, an election and a graduation later (LLB/BA no less), we asked Louis back for an update before he embarks on his Rhodes Scholarship. Are they managing to stay positive? Where have they been most effective? And how do they see Generation Zero sustaining itself under the inevitable pressure of getting a haircut and getting a real job?
The only game, Louis says, is to shift political opinion. Generation Zero focusses on issues that affect us today, and engaging people with things they can do.
Louis can also be heard on part 2 of our Wise Response special.