business computing environmental entrepreneur

Enterprising Sustainable Technophile

Dr Jack Townsend has worked to investigate startups that address resource and sustainability challenges. The resulting framework can analyse investment portfolios, and  identify opportunities for new digital products.

Talking points

Superpower: Persuasion, I think at the end of the day sustainability is about us having to make some difficult decisions in our longer term interest as a species.


Motivation: A mixture of a strong concern for sustainability, being a technophile and being incredibly curious and inquisitive.   


Miracle: I’d like to see the entire world transition to a decent cycling infrastructure, so that people aren’t pushed into dangerous roads and that I can let my kids go out cyclicing without having to constantly worry about their wellbeing.


Advice: Please start to think about the importance of digital technology and start to reach out to digital communities especially entrepreneurs with your problems, because there is lots of new things that we can do and it is extremely important for digital technology to have a significant role in sustainability.