politics union

Actively changing the world

Activism is really important. It is entirely possible to change the world.

Andrew Tait is a Dunedin journalist, he is an active member of the EPMU, and the Mana Party, and was involved in Oil Free Otago, and the Otago Occupy Movement. Talking Points Possibilities for positive change. “One law for all” is dog […]

politics poverty

Child Poverty Panel

What do you plan to do to improve the lives of children living in poverty? Tonight’s show comes to you from the political panel on child poverty held in Dunedin on July 10th 2014. The panel was wonderfully organised by the student led group Choose Kids. The session was chaired by Dunedin mayor Dave […]

climate change computing systems

Understanding systems

The 95% certainty is itself problematic, because it is a very high level summary of lots of different details…if you pick the science apart there are some areas where we are much more certain than that, and there are other areas where there is a lot uncertainty…the basics of how the greenhouse effect works and […]

climate change communication

Communicating climate science

I’m driven by the communication of science – how information is used – can it influence somebody? can it open people’s eyes to possibilities? Dr Andrew Tait is a Principal Scientist in the climate team at NIWA. A geographer, he focusses on the application of climate information. We talk about his role and the […]